Podcast #2: Nouria Newman – part 1
Backstory, Adventure Stories, and Bias in Boating
Hey podcast! Here’s the first of a 2-part interview with Nouria Newman.
You can listen by hitting the « play » button in the audio player below.
Nouria Newman is a world class kayaker. She’s also an adventurer—exploring the world on incredibly remote and challenging river expeditions.
In this first part of a 2-part interview, we discuss:
- 00:00 – What drives you?
- 04:01 – Nouria at age 5—from Playmobiles to whitewater kayaking
- 08:52 – Competetiveness and passion for boating as a teenager
- 13:16 – Evolving from slalom to ‘plastic’ boating
- 14:29 – Youth whitewater in France vs. US, paddling with dad, and ‘spider jump’ rescues
- 17:10 – Nouria calls out dad’s friends for gender bias—then rescues one from gnarly rapid
- 18:45 – Meeting the right people: apprenticeship with Nico and Debs
- 20:17 – Argentina’s Upper Rio Atuel: hiking, starving, and Medoza’s finest rice & mayo
- 23:10 – Lessons learned on the Upper Diamante expedition: the lost shoe, the lucky shoe
- 28:55 – Paddling with Ben and Boomer
- 30:12 – A tough trip—group dynamics
- 33:05 – Sexism in paddling
Nouria on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nourianewman/
How to listen to The Boreal River Show
You can listen to the episode by clicking the « play » button in the player above or by downloading it in Apple Podcasts, or any of your favourite podcast platforms like Spotify, Stitcher, or TuneIn & Alexa
We’ll be releasing a new episode every month with some extras thrown in from time to time.
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Boreal River Rescue – rescue training
Boreal River Adventures – international river expeditions